Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lynda Stefani Relies On RELAY To Improve Customer Satisfaction

Windermere agent Lynda Stefani, who works in the Palm Desert, Cook and Hovley office, has been using RELAY (the online transaction management tool) for over a year. Her broker, Emily DiSimone, also uses RELAY, when working with Lynda's files and they both swear by it.

In the video Emily and Lynda explains why your clients will love it too.

If you have questions about the program feel free to ask Emily, your broker or your office manager. If you have a question for Lynda, you can reach her below:

Cell/Direct: 760-406-1063
Web Site: www.stefanirealty.com


  1. Sounds awesome. Sign me up!

  2. I am excited about the opportunities to be better organized and to avoid time-wasting tasks like trying to find a document that wasn't currently filed.

    Additionally, having this management tool is a Major Plus to describe to a Seller when going on a Listing Appointment. This alone, could be the reason a Seller lists with me/Windermere.

    Bill Hammersley, Rancho Mirage

  3. What a break-thru for everyone involved in a transaction. I will definetly subscribe to it and cannot wait to do so. thanks once again for supporting the agents with all these marvelous tools.

    Sherri Sacks, Palm Desert, Cook Hovely

  4. I am excited and look forward to learning and using Relay. What a great tool to offer Windermere agents. Emily will be very happy, too. I am her "nemisis" when it comes to files and paperwork.

    I am sure my clients will love the program, too.

    Thank you!
